Faces of the Americas
De la Loza, Ernesto
Acrylic on canvas
County Department:
Public Library
Current Status:
About the Artwork:
This artwork has been deaccessioned and is no longer on view. Artist Ernesto de la Loza's mural “Faces of the Americas” wraps around the exterior of the Florence Library. The artwork celebrates the Florence-Firestone community and the value of books as a vehicle for discovering different and distant cultures and landscapes. The mural begins with a pictorial history of the origins of the name “Florence” referencing first Florence, Italy, and the history, art and architecture associated with this Medieval city, alongside subjects one can explore within a library such as government and the environment, on the eastfacing wall. On the northfacing wall, recognizable landmarks and portraits of people of the Florence-Firestone community are depicted. “Faces of the Americas” was inspired by the interests of the Florence Library Teen Advisory Council who not only voiced their suggestions for content, but also visited the artist’s studio to have a hand in the painting of the mural. De la Loza states that goal of this artwork is to, “…bring hope, understanding, and harmony to the new and old residents of Florence, Los Angeles.”
About the Artist:
Ernesto de la Loza is a Los Angeles based artist with over thirty-five years experience in mural making. In the 1970s he made significant contributions to the Chicano mural movement, bringing art to working class communities often encouraging local youth in his art-making. De la Loza is trained in billboard design, architecture and typography as well as airbrush, oil and easel painting. This versatile background has allowed him to demonstrate his talent in various artistic styles across the city.