Artwork Detail

Grow, but Never Grow Up

Artist: Frizzell, Nate

Date: 2016

Medium: Acrylic paint

Artwork Dimensions: 120 x 360 in.

County Department: Parks and Recreation

Artwork Site: Adventure Park

Supervisorial District: 4

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

The final mural located in Adventure Park, titled ‘Grow, But Never Grow Up’ was created as a true community engagement activity by artist Nate Frizzell Three active community members were painted as part of the mural, along with a series of butterflies – representing the growth and change in nature around the park and community. Beyond just painting members of the community at the Park, artist Nate Frizzell led different community groups in actually supporting and assisting with the murals themselves. Different groups including the toddler program, the after school program, the seniors, and the special needs program all assisted in painting the series of butterflies throughout the park.