Artwork Detail


Artist: Seletz, Emil

Date: 1958

Medium: Bronze

County Department: Internal Services

Artwork Site: Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration

Supervisorial District: 1

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

Emil Seletz’s bronze bust of Lincoln currently resides in the second-floor lobby of the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration facing Grand Park. Originally, it was located in the County’s Courthouse; however, due to a perceived conflict between Seletz’s role as a frequent court witness and his prominently situated statue, the Board of Supervisors decided that the bust of Lincoln should be removed from the Courthouse and re-located to the Hall of Administration. The bust depicts Lincoln before he became president and before he grew his iconic beard.

About the Artist:

Emil Seletz was a Los Angeles neurosurgeon who also worked as a sculptor. He completed a number of busts in his lifetime, mostly of noted physicians.