Artwork Detail

A Great Tale

Artist: Rice, Megan

Date: 2012

Medium: Papier maché on wood

Artwork Dimensions: 56 x 36 x 36 in.

County Department: Public Library

Artwork Site: Topanga Library

Supervisorial District: 3

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

A Great Tale features a boy sitting on a stump and reading to his dog; the stump was recycled from one of the oak trees lost to the construction of the library. The sculpture is made of wire mesh coated in papier maché, reinforced with fiberglass cloth and casting resin and painted in bright acrylic colors.

About the Artist:

Since the age of five, artist Megan Rice has resided in Topanga Canyon. Her two colorful sculptures for the children’s section of the Topanga Library were inspired by her own childhood experiences in the neighborhood. Rice recalls, “From age five, my most cherished memories consist of running barefoot on the rough earth, wading the creeks, witnessing the wild animals, birds, reptiles and insects that populated Topanga Canyon in the 1950’s and 60’s. Additionally, my family kept a large menagerie of domestic animals.” Rice holds a BA from Mills College and her work has been included in many group exhibitions throughout California.