Artwork Detail

Reflections of a Community

Artist: Blake-Elahi, Lucy

Date: 2011

Medium: Powdercoated steel

Artwork Dimensions: 42 x 31200 in.

County Department: Public Works

Artwork Site: Firestone Boulevard

Supervisorial District: 2

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

Artist Lucy Blake-Elahi designed a median fence along a half mile length of Firestone Boulevard between Hooper and Compton Avenues. The fence meanders in a ribbon-like form down Firestone Boulevard. The fence incoporates images of Florence-Firestone's history and surrounding community. The fence is constructed out of punch-out steel and was completed in collaboration with the Department of Public Works.

About the Artist:

Lucy Blake-Elahi is a Los Angeles-based artist. She is a graduate of Pratt Institute, Brooklyn and State University of New York, New Paltz. She has been an art & art history instructor at UCLA’s Graduate Art Education Department, West Los Angeles College, Culver City, and was artist-in-residence in Yellowstone National Park. As a public artist, Blake-Elahi has permanent artwork in LA County, Long Beach, Culver City, Pasadena and Inglewood, CA.