Artwork Detail

The Bright Forest

Artist: Timbuctustate, Aly

Date: 2016

Medium: Acrylic paint on gypsum board

Artwork Dimensions: 108 x 1800 in.

County Department: Mental Health

Artwork Site: Downtown Mental Health Center

Supervisorial District: 1

Current Status: On view

About the Artwork:

At the Downtown Mental Health Clinic is a group of interior murals designed by artist Aly Timbuctustate and non-profit organization Now Art LA. The project, located within the clinic area and group rooms, hopes to create a visual environment that supports the therapeutic process taking place in the facility. The overall theme is based on birds, origami, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and indigenous therapeutic patterns. Timbuctustate created a forestscape with birds as a symbol of peace and serenity. Timbuctustate was particularly drawn to the idea of the patients rebuilding their lives as analogous to building nests. Origami, an art form that balances methodical processes with a sense of transformation, influences the folding of the wings and body feathers.  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights reflects the principles of the center and is focused on treating everybody equally and without judgement.