Chuck Johnson's Interplay

Primary Genre

Secondary Genres
South American

Contact Name

Chuck Johnson
818 331-0585

PA System

Indoors Only


Solo (1)
Duo (2)
Trio (3)
Quartet (4)
Quintet (5)
Sextet (6)
Septet (7)
Octet (8)


Piano, bass, drums, vocals, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar


Chuck Johnson's Interplay is recognized for bringing back the soul that is missing in much of today's modern mainstream material. Chuck Johnson strives to give listeners his joy in performing a melting pot of classic jazz while also striving to uplift the human spirit. Winner of the Chuck Niles Jazz Music Award and the Long Beach Jazz Search Mainstream Jazz Artist Award, Chuck synthesizes the hard-bop-East-Coast-aesthetic with his unique West Coast musical experiences to create a distinctive voice. "When Johnson spins an interlude casually across the room, it's done with tender loving care." — Jim Santella, L.A. Jazz Scene