Rosalie Elena

Primary Genre

Mexican/Mexican American
Secondary Genres
South American

Contact Name

Rosalie Rodriguez

PA System

Indoors & Outdoors


Duo (2)
Trio (3)
Quartet (4)
Quintet (5)
Sextet (6)


Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Piano, two Percussion


Grammy award winner, Rosalie Elena Rodriguez, is no stranger to the blending of Latin American roots and rhythms. A Mexican-American, Puerto Rican-native of California and a 3rd generation Mariachi musician, she is uniquely gifted with a sultry style that blends tropical, afro-peruvian, jazz and mariachi flavors. Her first solo album, Frente a Frente, opens the door to the intimacy of love, loss and pain while seamlessly fusing traditional Cuban and Mexican bolero with the Afro-rooted Peruvian sounds of the Cajon.

