CIAG Workshops

Several Community Impact Arts Grant (CIAG) workshops will be held throughout the County between September and October for new and returning applicants.
Eager to document your artistic processes, but struggling to do so on a budget? This workshop is designed to help you gain confidence and develop strategies for documenting your artistic process and products in order to create artistic samples and digital collateral that highlights your arts organization's strengths. You'll have an opportunity to review and discuss samples and learn how to make the most of documentation tools you already have.
 Join the LA County Arts Commission at a two-day Essentials of Human Resources Training offered in conjunction with The Nonprofit Partnership. Topics covered include:
Event photo
Join us for round two of a discussion on building pathways to the creative workforce. Education and industry stakeholders are reconvening to share strategies, align resources and learn about promising practices for increasing student access to jobs in the creative economy. Discover exemplary college and career programming that is recasting the ways we prepare students to participate in Los Angeles County's media arts and entertainment industry.